I help people find solutions to problems that don't have clear and immediate answers.

In latin, the word “Revise” literally means “To See Again”. In English, we think of revision as small changes to an existing body of work. My holistic problem solving process embraces the latin roots of the word and seeks fresh ways to look at problems. I help companies find opportunities to use their competitors strengths against them, see problems in a larger context, and then solve those problems with creative ideas and pragmatic execution.

Every Problem Has A Different Solution

A few tools I use:

  • Reframing
  • Story Telling
  • Subversive Marketing
  • Organic SEO
  • Social PPC

As Seen In

“Josh is a creative problem solver. His innovative approaches saved us tens of thousands of dollars and allowed us to focus on what matters: our customers.”
Scott Martineau, Co-Founder, Infusionsoft

About Josh Ziering

Josh is a veteran entrepreneur with a flair for the unconventional. His client list and track record of creative solutions to seemingly insurmountable problems precedes him. Frequently clients tell Josh “Someone told us to call you if all the traditional solutions failed.”

Josh is known for giving away some his best work to market himself — even to a roomful of competitors. His openness with public ideas is complemented by his discretion with client work. People look to Josh because they know he can solve their problems based on what he shares, and are confident in his discretion based on what he doesn't.

He describes his work as the intersection of art and science. While data is imperative to decision making, good art drives the data. Finding confidence in art through data is a cornerstone of success in today's highly accountable marketing landscape. Josh's accountability and unconventional approach make for a potent combination that moves roadblocks; empowering and enabling teams.

Josh’s creative problem solving isn’t just limited to marketing and tech. He also enjoys ‘culture hacking’ those around him. Whether its helping teams work more efficiently, or creating accountability for core company members, when Josh takes the lens of creative problem solving to culture, the results speak for themselves.